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Online Advertising Articles
(March 2000)

Web Ads Gaining Momentum (SF Gate, March 31st)
As the dotcom boom gathers speed (but for how long?), online ad spending has again seen healthy year-over-year growth, with overall revenues for 1999 growing some 86% to $1.9 billion. This represents 2.1% of America's total ad dollars.

Opt-In Rules! (Salon.com, March 6th)
Salon.com quizzes 24/7 Media CEO David Moore on the hot-button issue of privacy, and finds how his firm is aiming to avoid DoubleClick's turmoil by sticking to the principles of asking permission before flooding a consumer with marketing messages.

Gay.com Launches Gay Advertising Network (internet.com, March 2nd)
Aimed at uniting many major resources that previously competed for the same lucrative piece of the demographic pie, gay and lesbian-oriented web publisher Gay.com has formed an ad network that it hopes will be recognised as a one-stop destination for media buyers interested in reaching this niche market.


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