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Web Development Articles
(October 2001)

How To Easily Keep Your Website Fresh
By Tom Falco

It's important to keep your website fresh and up-to-date.

Many people visit sites over and over only to find that the same static message and images greet them each time. The worst is when there is a proudly placed date at the bottom saying "last updated July 5, 1989." Talking about drawing attention to the fact that you don't give a damn!

Keep your site fresh. You don't have to change content daily or even weekly, but do things to keep it new so that each time a visitor returns they will feel that there is new content for them to see.

A great way to do this is use clip art. If your site has the same message and same products or services it is hard to change content, but by placing a pumpkin on the home page or a Christmas wreath next to a special you are having, this updates the site and at least is in keeping with the seasons!

Autumn is here. Why not place a nice pumpkin or jack-o-lantern on your site? How about some fall leaves. Let the visitor know you care and that you are updating your site regularly.

You don't have to be gaudy. Just put one little image in the corner. At holiday time, an elegant holly wreath can spruce up your image and add a smile to visitors' faces it's easy to do and is worth the few seconds to do it.

You can get clip art on line for free almost anywhere. Some nice holiday clip art for anyone to copy and use is at https://www.XpectMore.com/clipart.htm . It's easy to copy and paste and you can easily store the art when not needed.

Just find the image you like and click your right mouse button, select "Save Picture As" and rename it and place it in a folder on your hard drive or on a disk or CD. Then all you have to do is insert it on your page or pages when needed.

The clip art adds a fresh image to your website and keeps it up to date in a very unobtrusive way. Most businesses decorate their buildings, lobbies or offices during the holidays and you can do the same at your website. You can go the one step further by adding seasonal or even patriotic images on a regular basis. Try putting a flag in the corner of your homepage. Try some office or business images to add pizzazz. It truly is worth the effort.

Your site will be freshened up in seconds and attract repeat visitors.  

About the author:
Tom Falco is editor of XpectMore.com Marketing eZine and also owns TheDiscountPrinter.com
To subscribe to XpectMore.com Marketing eZine email ezine@xpectmore.com and put "subscribe" in the subject line, or visit: https://www.XpectMore.com


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